tirsdag den 21. august 2012

19th August 2012 Osoyos

Our B and B hosts, http://www.bbcanada.com/elcampanario Peter and Carolyn served a delicious breakfast with maple syrup, yoghurt, a touch of vanilla, ripe peaches and raspberries, then eggs and sausages and homemade cherry  jam. Their warm informative hospitality, combined with supreme views across the valley with the lakes, orchards, vineyards, made our stay  in the Okanagan Valley a real gift. Our room was great. The outside patios with barbeques, tables, chairs were perfectly designed, the kitchenette fulfilled our needs, all very clean and tidy.

We revisited the beautiful
http://www.nkmipdesert.com/ NK-MIP (a First Nations) Desert Cultural Center that we had dropped by the day before for some wine tasting. This time for a tour around the desert with Barbara – not a First Nations person, but a  tall blonde 50 year old woman. "Barbara". She gave us one of the most informative tours we have ever had, of the dessert, the uses of the many plants and trees in the area, described the steambath rituals, showed us some of the tools, while we sat in the pithouse.   
Lunch at Tinhorn Creek Wineries http://www.tinhorn.com/  was wonderful. The view was as perfect as could be, there was a good shade and breeze. And the prices were very reasonable. A place to revisit.

We drove up Osoyos Lake, swam at Vaseaux Lake, Drove up the east side of Okanagan Lake, turned  south again in Penticton and visited Blasted Church (great name – but they were too busy to serve wine, and with the heat we did not need it!) I was starting to melt, we checked in to the Burrowing Owl winery – beautiful and exclusive place. And then HOME to our great B and B.

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